Oh, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve been asked that question! It’s the most common query I receive as a kitchen designer. Today, I’m here to provide clarity and confidence for your kitchen remodel. I’ll break down the costs and give you tips on setting a realistic budget, just like I do with my clients. So, let’s dive in!
As an experienced kitchen remodeling professional in the Midwest and beyond, I estimate a 10×20 foot kitchen remodel starts at around $60,000 (if you manage the project yourself, including hiring professional trades). If you hire a design firm or a general contractor, the cost can rise above $85,000. By working directly with me and becoming your own general contractor with my guidance, you can save tens of thousands of dollars while still hiring top-notch professionals.
Remember, these estimates can vary based on several factors:
A general rule of thumb is to split your budget 50/50 between materials and labor. Here’s a closer look at both (these are based in Sioux Falls, SD):
I understand that planning a kitchen remodel can feel overwhelming. The fear of making costly mistakes is real, but hiring a professional kitchen designer can save you time, stress, and money in the long run.
Imagine your home being ripped apart while you try to figure out the next steps. Without a clear plan, the process can drag on inefficiently, leading to chaos and frustration. You might struggle with tying together different elements, creating a cohesive and functional space, or even knowing what plans to give to the trades for accurate design and measurements.
Timeless design can feel elusive, and without the right guidance, you risk choosing trends that quickly become outdated. Plus, finding the time to manage every aspect of the remodel can be nearly impossible with a busy schedule.
That’s where I come in. My online interior design services are available nationwide, offering a seamless and convenient way to achieve your dream kitchen. Here’s how it works:
If you’re planning a kitchen remodel, book a free discovery call to discuss your project or sign up for my free guide where I share the secret steps to successfully planning a home remodel. This guide will help you navigate the process with confidence and ease.
For more remodeling resources, check my previous and future blog posts. Follow me on Pinterest to stay in touch and sign up for my newsletter for exclusive updates.
Thank you for choosing to work with me!
Best, Chelsey
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